A “Fix Out of Memory Error on Windows 11” notification will frustrate you particularly while working on essential tasks. This guide covers why Out of Memory errors occur and includes proven solutions to fix them. The listed solutions will both solve memory-related issues and enhance Windows 11 performance regardless of whether the root cause stems from background app memory consumption, old software, or inadequate virtual memory.
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Causes of “Out of Memory” Error on Windows 11
The out of memory error appears because available RAM or virtual memory runs low which leads to application crashes and slower system performance. Windows 11 needs efficient memory management systems to achieve smooth system performance. The system’s stability alongside application responding times gets affected whenever memory runs short.
We need to examine the causes of Out of Memory errors on Windows 11 before analyzing possible solutions. Knowing the original cause enables you to use the most suitable solution while also stopping future problems.
1. Running Too Many Applications Simultaneously
Windows 11 manages multiple applications and processes through the amount of available RAM it has. The system memory becomes overloaded when you maintain too many active browser tabs and programs simultaneously. Video editing software, games, and web browsers that run multiple tabs simultaneously can use up system memory. This leads to “Out of Memory” errors.
2. Outdated or Corrupted System Files
The out-of-memory error might occur because critical system files become outdated or corrupted from faulty shutdowns or update failures as well as malware attacks. Memory leaks combined with excessive memory consumption eventually lead to out-of-memory errors.
3. High Memory Usage by Background Processes
When Windows 11 initiates its startup, several background processes and services automatically activate. Background processes continue to use memory resources after system boot even when you are not actively utilizing your computer. Windows Explorer together with Windows Update and antivirus programs frequently lead to memory consumption issues.
4. Malware or Virus Infections
Operating system memory issues occur when malware and viruses run unauthorized background operations while accessing computer resources without authorization.
5. Misconfigured Virtual Memory Settings
The virtual memory system expands physical RAM through hard drive space (paging file) when physical memory reaches its limit. Windows 11 will experience memory allocation issues which result in out-of-memory errors when users set virtual memory at insufficient levels or disable it entirely.
6. Faulty or Insufficient RAM
Memory module failures result in Windows mismanaging available memory which produces system crashes and displays the “Out of Memory” message.
Fix Out of memory error on Windows 11
Fix 1: Update Windows 11 OS
Outdated Windows versions together with driver programs create memory problems that may result in an out-of-memory error. System updates help resolve bugs and memory leaks which results in a more stable system performance.
1. You can access the Settings app by pressing Windows + I. From the left sidebar, select “Windows Update.”
2. Click “Check for updates“. The system will start looking for available updates. After clicking “Install” you should restart your PC following the software update installation.
Fix 2: Restart Windows Explorer
Windows Explorer consumes high memory which leads to out-of-memory errors. Performing a restart of the process will help recover unused memory space.
1. You can open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Or you can open it directly from search console.
2. Windows Explorer appears under the “Processes” section of the tab. Right-click on Windows Explorer and select “Restart”.
Fix 3: Run Malware & Virus Checks
The excessive memory usage of malware and viruses results in an out-of-memory error. The execution of a virus scan enables users to detect and eliminate harmful files from their system.
1. Access Windows Security through the Windows + S key combination followed by entering “Windows Security” into the search bar.
2. Select “Virus & threat protection”.
3. Click “Quick scan” button.
Follow any on-screen directions to eliminate detected threats.
Fix 4: Disable Startup Programs
Several running startup programs can consume excessive system memory which leads to the out-of-memory error. Memory usage improves when users disable startup programs that they do not need.
1. Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) or from the search bar.
2. Go to the Startup tab. Right-click any program that is not needed then select “Disable”.
Restart your computer. The system boot process will perform better because memory usage is minimized.
Fix 5: Increase Virtual Memory
The system uses virtual memory to function as additional RAM, after exhausting its physical memory capacity. The “Out of memory” error can be prevented by expanding virtual memory size.
1. Open Settings (Windows + I). Go to System from the menu, then navigate to “About” followed by “Advanced System settings”.
2. Under Performance, click “Settings”.
3. Select the “Advanced” tab, then click “Change” located under Virtual memory.
4. Now, make sure to modify as stated:-
a. To avoid automatic virtual memory management you should disable the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.” option.
b. Use the “Custom size” option then fill in the required values.
c. Initial size – 1.5 times your RAM size.
d. Maximum size – 3 times your RAM size.
Click “Set” and then “OK”.
Restart the computer. The system will obtain additional virtual memory capacity to execute resource-intensive operations.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
#1 Why does my Windows 11 keep showing “Out of Memory” error?
Windows 11 experiences memory depletion because of too many background processes, outdated drivers, malware, and insufficient virtual memory settings. The procedures described above should help solve this problem.
#2 Can increasing virtual memory fix out of memory errors?
Raising virtual memory enables Windows to utilize disk space for backup RAM operations to prevent out-of-memory errors during physical RAM saturation.
#3 How can I check how much memory my PC is using?
You can check memory usage through Task Manager which you access by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc and viewing it under the “Performance” tab. The system displays both active memory consumption and the available memory capacity.
#4 Is it safe to edit the Windows Registry to fix memory issues?
You can edit the registry, but you need to exercise caution during this process. It is essential to create a registry backup before modifying it to prevent system problems.
That’s it!
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